Fra: Nepal
Ansættelse: Deltid
Hos FOLKS siden: August 2022
Stilling: Rengøringsassistent hos Soundboks.


Pabitra is a happy, fashionable, young woman, who grew up In Nepal. She was born in a village, but at the age of 5 she was sent to the city to go to school with her two brothers. Pabitras brothers stayed in Nepal to work for the army, but they still have a very good relationship. “They are not just my brothers, they are my closest friends. I share everything with them.”

She met her husband when she was 19 through an arranged marriage. He was the first guy she ever dated. He brought her to Portugal, where she could live the life she wanted.
“It’s hard to find a job in Nepal, especially as a woman. It’s mostly the man who normally works, and the woman stays home. I like to work, go out and have fun with my friends and do what I want!”

The couple stayed 5 years in Portugal and became European citizens. She worked a lot, but it wasn’t easy to make a living on the salary. So in 2021 they moved to Denmark, where the couple recently bought their own house in Høje Taastrup, where she lives with her husband and cousin:
“After working for five years in Portugal we still had no money. But in Denmark we have worked for two years, and now we can afford our own house.” Pabitra says and smiles. “I like it here, it’s peaceful and people are nice. I would like to grow old here”

Pabitra has been working as a cleaning assistant through Folks at Soundboks for six month, to which she tells: “The people here are nice, they are young and messy, but I like to be around them and they all treat me well, so I love to do something nice for them too.” 

Besides her work with Folks she works as a waitress in an Italian restaurant.
“I don’t miss the Nepalese food. I like Danish food better, but my favorite is Italian pasta!” She laughs.

Pabitra likes to go out and party with her friends. She hasn’t made a lot of new friends in Denmark yet, but she’s planning to learn Danish to make it easier to meet people and get her dream job as a bartender. 

In her free time Pabitra loves to relax at her house and watch shows on Netflix. She recently started watching Peaky Blinders and loves it, even though it’s a little bloody.

When asked what the most important thing in her life is, she replies: “My happiness. I love to spend time with my family, go out, do my job, meet friends and travel.” 
Besides visiting her family in Nepal she hopes to see Switzerland one day, because the name just sounds beautiful she says laughing.

Pabitra is raised as Hindu, but religion is not something that defines her: “For me it doesn’t matter. We are all just humans born in different places. Hindu, Christians, Muslims, we are all the same, I love everyone.”

If she could choose a superpower it would be as Minister, so she could make a lot of companies to hire people who really need a job. “There are a lot of people living here who have a hard time, because they don’t have any network. It’s very difficult to find a job without any links, and even If you come with savings from home they don’t last long here.”


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